Though there aren’t any schools set up in the area, public school students are attended to at either Tuscany elementary, Twelve Mile Coulee elementary, or W.O. Mitchell elementary depending on where the students are situated in the neighbourhood. They are then deferred upon graduation to Twelve Mile Coulee junior high and then Bowness senior high school.
Catholic school students in Lynx Ridge are looked after in a similar manner at Holy Spirit elementary followed by St. Thomas junior and senior high.
The majority of Lynx Ridge’s residents have transportation as Calgary Transit has yet to grant the area service though that is in the city’s plans in the upcoming years as development continues to occur.
The golf course acts largely as a backyard to the majority of the properties in Lynx Ridge where new neighbours continue to filter in on the estates every year. The major attraction that many acknowledge is the privacy afforded residents. Lynx Ridge offers high quality living in a friendly and dynamic community that acts as a quiet escape from the hub of Calgary.
Lynx Ridge is one of Calgary’s undiscovered jewels and an investment in a property here means a future well spent.
Calgary - Lynx Ridge